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How to Keep Jewelry from Snagging on Clothes: 6 Helpful Tips

How to Keep Jewelry from Snagging on Clothes: 6 Helpful Tips

Don’t you hate it when your ring snags on your favorite sweater? Or your necklace gets stuck in the tag of your shirt. Well, stop wearing baggy clothes or jewelry that dangles or otherwise protrudes. Problem solved. Okay, not actually. There are several avenues you can explore before deciding to start your jewelry collection over.

Is It That Big of a Deal?

Upfront, no, not really. However, over time, it becomes an issue. In the short term, you get a few loose threads and maybe some minor damage to a sweater you like. Annoying, but not the end of the world. If you opt for a minimalist engagement ring, that’s going to be one of the best preventative measures. Even those, though, aren’t perfect.

However, repeated snags can cause prong settings to slowly become bent or otherwise damaged. Not the end of the world either, but definitely a pain to fix. While this is an inherent risk in prong settings, there are ways to minimize the issue.

If you’re searching for the answer after having routinely gotten your ring snagged on your sweaters, it may be worth it to bring it to your local jewelry store to have it looked at.

If you can get ahead of any deformities in your ring, it’s going to make repairing them a lot easier (and cheaper). If you haven’t had your ring checked out in a while, it’s probably just a good idea anyway.

Can You Completely Eliminate Jewelry Snagging on Your Clothes?

Unless you only wear jewelry without settings or sharper edges, the short answer is “not really.” You can definitely cut down just how much your jewelry snags — and we’ll go over that — but it’s nearly impossible to eliminate 100 percent of snags without a lot of work.

How to Keep Jewelry from Snagging on Clothes

Jewelry Lacquer

Put one to three coats of jewelry lacquer on your jewelry and you should be able to minimize (or even eradicate) snags. Admittedly, this is a mixed bag, but it can be something good to keep in mind. People seem to have success with the jewelry lacquer method, so there’s clearly something to it.

Do note that you may have to apply a few coats to get the full effect. Also worth noting is that some people swear nail polish instead of jewelry lacquer. Considering nail polish seems to be the basis of tons of household hacks, it’s worth keeping in mind.

While this is likely the best option outside of buying a new wardrobe or new ring, it’s something you’ll have to re-apply from time to time. While not impractical, it’s going to take some work.


The wax meant for braces, specifically. This, like the lacquer, is a mixed bag, but some people swear it. If you’re unsure about putting any substance on your jewelry, consult a professional’s opinion to make sure you won’t damage your piece. Chances are you’ll be fine, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Pick High-Quality Items

It’s as simple as that. Lower-quality jewelry is just much more prone to snagging than high-quality alternatives. This is especially true for chains or rings with prong settings.

Some people wear prong setting rings or ornate necklaces and never have issues with snags, while it’s a daily occurrence for others. While the difference is partially lifestyle-related, the other key factor tends to be the quality of the jewelry worn.

Choose Tight-Weave Clothes

Look, we’re gonna level with you. There’s really not a ton you can do to magically make your jewelry not snag. The best thing you can do is be intentional with your clothing and jewelry purchases going forward. Tight-weave clothes just aren’t as prone to snagging, and you’re going to have a better time with them.

Consider Your Jewelry

We were joking earlier when we said to stop wearing jewelry that snags, but there really is something to it. If you’re tired of jewelry snagging on your clothes all the time, consider what pieces you wear routinely. Are they bold statement pieces with a lot of design?

If you’re shopping for engagement rings with your significant other, maybe subtly hint at your desire for low-profile rings that won’t snag. Even if you’ve already got a wedding ring on your finger, you can keep these principles in mind when searching for everyday jewelry.

Just Be Aware

This isn’t a terribly satisfying list. Sorry. There’s really only so much you can do. The best free way to keep your jewelry from snagging is to be aware of how you move. While it might be a pain at first, once you get used to doing it, it’ll feel like second nature.

At the end of the day, this is just one of those situations where you have to pick your battles. There are certain things you can do to minimize snags and nearly eliminate them, but some amount of it just comes with the territory.

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