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The Benefits of Wearing Men’s Designer Clothing

Wearing men’s designer clothing has very obvious benefits, but it can be expensive. Yet, as you learn about the advantages of wearing designer clothing, why you would need to pay a premium for it will start to make sense.

So what are these benefits you get from wearing men’s designer clothing?

1. Create a better impression for yourself.

Clothes make the man. It is an old adage, but true. Designer clothing can create a better impression of you in other people. Unlike ordinary men’s clothes, designer menswear can help you create an impact on others.

A study conducted by John Townsend and Gary Levy, and published in the Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied showed that women tend to find men who wore “high status attire” as more attractive and more open to developing relationships ranging from just conversation and coffee even right up to marriage and serious involvement. This is just one of the latest studies. Over the years, countless studies have shown that clothes affect how other people perceive, judge and interact with another person based only on his clothes.

Clothes are a status symbol. It affects how people think of you. If you want people to regard you highly, designer clothing can do the job effectively.

2. It’s more than just a status symbol.

Clothes can be empowering. For example, you usually associate a white lab gown with doctors and would instantly trust somebody wearing it. Uniforms also have the same effect. In fact, if you see somebody in a police uniform, you would expect him to behave in a certain manner. Plus, clothes can help you become more confident as well. A New York Times article delved into this phenomenon. The article cited Dr. Adam Galinsky who explained that this is because people often experience “embodied cognition” in that we think with our brains as well as our bodies. In short, we tend to associate our physical experiences with abstract smartparentingus and this affects how we think.

The researchers pointed out that putting on certain types of clothes can help you be more ready to take on a role and can help you enhance your basic abilities. A different study asked 74 students to wear a doctor’s coat or a painter’s coat, and it found that the group wearing the doctor’s coat exhibited heightened attention than other groups.

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